Tips for a Happy Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner, and the doctors and staff at Oviedo Premier Dental enjoy celebrating just as much as the next person! If you are still undecided on a costume, or worried about how to keep those pearly white chompers the vision of health, we are your definitive source for all things both dental and Halloween-friendly!

DIY Costume Ideas:

* Spinning toothbrush: This is so easy; all you need is a sweatsuit with a hoodie, a matching long piece of fabric to drape around your legs (to make the toothbrush body), and a bunch of drinking straws.


1.) On the fabric that will be draped around your legs, use stencils and paint to draw the toothbrush logo of your choice, whether it is Sonicare, Oral B, etc.
2.) Attach bunches of drinking straws to the inside of the hoodie. When you pull the hood up, the bunches of straws will resemble the circular bristles on a spin brush!
3.) Hit the streets, mall, etc., and prepare to be adorable.

* Toothpaste: The steps for this are similar to the spinning toothbrush, except that in place of a sweatsuit, drinking straws and a hoodie, you will be using a large, long t-shirt or night gown, and a fez hat (for the cap). On the long shirt or nightgown, paint on your favorite brand of toothpaste.

* Dental Floss: The is super easy, and can be accomplished relatively quickly. If you and a friend are trying to make it to a last-minute Halloween party and have zero ideas, this is a great throw-together, and would pair perfectly with a pal dressed as a spinning toothbrush, a tooth, etc. There are a variety of ways to design this on the go, using objects that you probably already have lying around your house.

Steps (Using a box)

1.) Using a large, white box, cut a hole through the top for your head to fit through.
2.) On the front of the box (just like in the spinning toothbrush example), paint the logo for your favorite dental floss.
3.) Using a piece of rope, yarn, shoelaces, or basically any type of rope-y material, you can fashion the floss to be strung across the top of the box.
(Another idea: If you do not have a box and would rather use two large pieces of cardboard to fashion your floss container, the string or rope acting as floss can serve the purpose of fastening the floss container costume around your neck).
4.) Optional step: Draw or cut out a flap that looks like the opening of the floss container.

* Tooth: I have seen parents use this on babies, and it is too adorable for words! It will also help keep baby nice and warm and cozy on a chilly Halloween night. Pairs perfectly with an older sibling dressed as a spinning toothbrush. Just adjust the steps as appropriate for use on babies vs. adults.

Instead of writing out the steps for this one, here is the link to the blog where I found it. Incredibly creative!

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