Should I Consider Invisalign

Invisalign vs. Braces

People say that the eyes are the window to the soul. The American Dental Association says that the mouth is the window to your overall health. If you treat your smile right, it will honor you with the same courtesy!

There are more important benefits to having straight teeth besides the boost in confidence and self-esteem. Straight teeth are easier to clean, which prevents decay, gum disease, and ultimately, tooth loss. It is more difficult to brush and floss teeth that are crooked or crowded, particularly at and below the gum line. Subgingival plaque (beneath your gums) can even make its way to your bloodstream, increasing your risk for heart attack and stroke!

Why Invisalign? I thought braces were the best option for straightening teeth?

While Invisalign may not be the right choice for everyone, it does provide a variety of advantages over traditional metal braces, including:

— No food restrictions! Invisalign clear aligner trays are removable,
so you can take them out before eating your no-restrictions diet, as opposed to the
many food restrictions that come with traditional braces
— Straighten your smile without anyone noticing
— Removable aligners means you can brush and floss just as you normally do, without
the hassle of using special instruments for cleaning between and around metal brackets
— You will not need to know the fear of getting food stuck in your brackets when dining out with friends
— Smooth, clear aligners are comfortable against your cheeks and gums, unlike
rough metal brackets that can scratch and irritate
— Avoid unsightly white spots that often accompany metal braces after removal

I have severe crowding. Isn’t Invisalign only for mild cases?

When it first came out, Invisalign could only treat mild cases for cosmetic purposes. Today, the technology has advanced significantly, and Invisalign can successfully treat many complicated cases, in a fraction of the time as traditional braces. With interactive Clin Checks, you can even watch in full animation how your case is expected to progress.

Does Invisalign cost more than braces? Can I use my insurance to pay for Invisalign?

Invisalign costs the same as traditional braces, and your dental insurance will pay for a portion of it as long as you have orthodontic benefits. Additionally, there are always pricing and financing specials for Invisalign to help make straightening your smile as affordable as possible. Consultations are always free!

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