Dentist Services


Never let your smile cause you anxiety again! Our office uses Lumineers by Cerinate, which utilizes contact-lens-thin porcelain technology that provides beauty and strength without risking your natural tooth structure.

Lumineers allow our dentists to fix tooth discoloration, noticeable gaps, permanent stains, broken or misshapen teeth and more, without requiring painful shots or drilling into your healthy tooth structure.

For your convenience, we are able to create your Lumineers right in our office in just a few visits!

Who may be interested?

Patients who would like to permanently whiten their teeth, saving thousands of dollars on teeth whitening kits over the life of their lumineers

Patients who would like to correct tooth spacing or crowding

Patients who would like to reshape their teeth or add length to shorter teeth


Smile brightly and beautifully on the outside while straightening your teeth on the inside!

Invisalign eliminates the need for obtrusive, metal braces by utilizing a custom-made series of near invisible aligner trays that are created especially for you. These aligners are smooth, comfortable, and virtually indestructible. Over time, the aligners gently and gradually shift your teeth into a picture-perfect position!

For your convenience, our dentists are able to customize your Invisalign treatments in the comfort and convenience of our office!

Who may be interested?

Patients who would like to correct tooth spacing or crowding

Patients who would like to correct an overbite or an underbite

Patients who would like to prevent Periodontal disease associated with malalignment of teeth

Sleep Apnea / Snoring

Eliminate risky and annoying Obstructive Sleep Apnea and snoring disorders with our revolutionary TAP 3 device.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and snoring are both sleeping conditions that occur when the jaw relaxes during sleep, causing the tongue and throat tissue to collapse and narrow the airway. In the case of sleep apnea, the patient can stop breathing for several seconds or even minutes, forcing your body to wake you up to clear your airway. The person may or may not be aware of sleep problems, but may often wake up after a full night’s sleep still feeling tired.

How do we fix this?

A device called TAP 3 is a very simple and 95% effective oral mandibular advancement device for stopping snoring and sleep apnea conditions. Using this device can help stop snoring and prevent conditions linked to sleep apnea, such as heart attack, stroke, heartburn, morning headaches, depression, and relationships problems.

Who may be interested?

Patients who have chronic sleepiness in the morning or find themselves waking often during the night

Patients who would like to stop snoring or are forced to sleep in another room away from their partner

Patients who are depressed, have high blood pressure, excessive fatigue, morning headaches, heartburn, or are at risk for heart attack or stroke associated with sleep apnea.

CEREC One-Visit Dentistry

Get the treatment you need done on YOUR schedule with CEREC!

CEREC restoration is a superior method of creating precisely designed, color-matched and highly durable ceramic restorations from the comfort and convenience of our office. With millions of successful restorations done worldwide, this one-stop-shop procedure is clinically proven to deliver the results you expect, faster than you would expect.

For your comfort and convenience, we are able to customize crowns and onlays right in our office in just a few visits.

Who may be interested?

People who want to get high-quality restorations with the convenience of one visit.

People who need convenient fillings, crowns, or veneers.

Teeth Whitening

Brighten up any room and your self-confidence with convenient and affordable treatment options!

Your smile speaks volumes about you, can make or break your self-confidence, and is one of the first things people notice when meeting you. Having a white smile will boost your self-esteem and also enhance your appearance.

We now offer an affordable and convenient way to whiten your smile in the comfort of your own home. Ask us about teeth whitening with Opalescence and also about our White Winter special.

Who may be interested?

Patients looking for whiter and brighter teeth

Patients looking to brighten their smile to enhance self-confidence or make themselves more attractive