Current Patient Insurance Clarification

Out of Network Letter.

A few weeks ago, we sent out a letter to all of our patients informing you of some changes we have made with our insurance companies. It seems there was a lot of confusion about the way the letter was worded. In the letter, we stated that we are going out of network with some insurance companies. Please understand that this does NOT mean that we are no longer accepting your insurance. We still accept benefits you receive from those companies listed, and we will continue to file all claims for you just as we had been doing before. This also does NOT mean you will have to pay for everything out-of-pocket.

For the majority of patients, there will be no changes in your coverage levels/benefits. If you are an established patient from the old office on Lockwood Boulevard and used the same insurance company there, then coverage stay exactly as it was at that office.


Office Staff at Oviedo Premier Dental 🙂

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